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Adding Color in Google Sheets

Posted: March 4th, 2022, 7:43 am
by viper
In the HITTERS tab, I can add color to a players name to indicate things like - 20+ SBs, for example. The color does not carry over to the AVAILABLE. I can go to the AVAILABLE tab and add color. To make colorizing multi-positional players, can the HITTERS color carry forward. If not, the additional work isn't that hard and we apparently have a little time on our hand until the season starts.

Re: Adding Color in Google Sheets

Posted: March 4th, 2022, 10:02 am
by Todd Zola
I am not aware of a way to make altering the hitters tab carry over. I used to use conditional formatting to add color to cells, but it was a memory hog and slowed down the calculation more than the feature was helpful.