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Innovative yet simple new HTH points league starting

Posted: January 2nd, 2014, 10:58 am
by mielke
Longtime seasoned commissioner here, founding a brand-new league.

Looking for some fresh owners for the league’s first season. It’s a weekly HTH points mixed league with 20 starting slots and rosters of 30. Aiming for a league of 14.

General tenets:
- ABC, 123 (see below!)
- Weekly lineup changes
- A points system so simple it can be hand-drawn, yet thoroughly tested for realism and balance between offense and pitching
- A straight annual draft, with limited keepers (on a 3-year keeper term limit). 123!
- Draft-pick trading allowed (some restrictions). If you've never been in a league that trades draft picks .... you've missed out.
- A simple approximation of the Salary Cap method without having to fuss as much over the dollars: players are annually grouped in the preseason into a small number of Classifications. Teams are only allowed to keep a limited number annually from each Classification. ABC!

- Limited Minor League roster
- Weekly FAAB system
- Entry fee will be $50 to $100 or more depending on consensus
- Outgoing personalities, active owners, and smack-talking encouraged
- Leaning toward Fantrax as the league site
- The part about outgoing personalities, active owners, and smack-talking encouraged

The final constitution is still open for comment, so at this point you have the chance to give your input/preferences.

Any questions or comments, message me or post here. blabuwe at yahoo
