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We're Not A Good Fit for Everyone: Good Team Available

Posted: October 12th, 2013, 6:42 pm
by League Commissario
We help our team owners achieve their fantasy baseball dreams by providing an uncomparable environment that fosters personal growth and competitive fair play.

Happiness for our fantasy players is not a goal to be achieved; rather, it is a byproduct of doing something interesting in a fair and competitive environment among other like-minded team owners.

We’re really not a good fit for everyone, but the ones we work well with we put in one of two categories.

The first group is doing well in fantasy baseball; their teams consistently prosper season after season. Accordingly we call them thrivers, as opposed to survivors. And yet these thrivers remain undecided about the optimum pathway through the present-day maze and multitude of fantasy baseball platforms. They may well be able to find something that allows them to grow their talents even further or increases their opportunities for perfecting their craft, but they don’t know which Leagues truly offer the right set of circumstances for the next big step.

The second group, and they could also be called thrivers, but they typically tell us that what riles them most are immediate, inherent, obvious issues like:

Frustrated that the only teams that turnover in good keeper leagues are those that require two or more seasons to be renovated into contenders; or

Concerned that most keeper leagues give too much weight to great freeze rosters, making them vastly more important than all other facets of the game; or

Dissatisfied with the lack of transparency and the inequity of how waiver claims and free agent acquisitions in-season are awarded; or

Tired of seeing these 2nd half events season after season: Ghost teams disappearing, coasting by first place teams with large margins at the Break, tanking by the worst teams in order to gain an important advantage for the next season.

These probably aren’t issues you’re dealing with?

On the other hand, should any of those resonate with you, please contact our League Commissario.

League Commissario
Stir Not My Cold, Black Roto-Heart
RankinRoadKat [at]