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MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 1:57 am
by mjlewis
I've entered the keepers for my league and looked at the draft screen. Things that make me nervous:

Crashes when I tried to import projections, which I realize I don't have to do but it looks like there are no preloaded CVRC numbers: An exception of class OLEException was not handled. The application must shut down. Exception Message: Invalid class string. Exception Error Number: -2147221005

The first time I opened the draft screen I was getting some crazy numbers, like Pujols $71 with inflation in a league that has very low inflation. When I quit the program and restarted it, the numbers look right.

Roto 5x5 Stats screen: projected BAs are between .592 and .545, projected ERAs are between 4.5 and 7.697, projected WHIPs are between 2.138 and 2.5875.

If you need me to send you any files, let me know. Draft is tomorrow evening so it'd be nice if this was working but I can live without it.

- Mike

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 3:03 am
by Todd Zola
I'll do the best I can but Pasko, the designer is away.

What version of MastersDraft are you using? There was a fix to keepers added recently.

What is your OS? If Windows 7, there is some documentation discussing how to import the projections as there is a security bug. This is what Pasko has recommended:


The new security features introduced by Microsoft in their newest Windows 7 operating system have compelled us to put together these instructions. Users who are familiar with the prior operating systems such as Vista or XP may find Windows 7 mindboggling. To ease the pain of transition to Windows 7, listed here are a few key suggestions:
· Do not download Mastersdraft zip file straight into Program Files folder

· Do not download into any folder whose name ends in (86). These folders are meant for 64bit applications. Although Mastersdraft is fully compatible with a 64bit system, we do not recommend using a 64bit folder

· Create a new folder, say, mastersdraft and download and expand Mastersdraft zip file into it.

· Make sure that user Everyone has Full Control permission rights to this new folder. To change permission rights, right mouse click on new folder name and left click on Properties. Open Security tab. If Everyone is not listed under “Group or user names”, click on Edit and then on button Add to add user Everyone. On the new pop up, make sure that Object Types is Users, Groups or Built-in security principals. Click on Advanced, then on Find Now, select Everyone from the Search result list and click OK. Then OK again to go back to the Security tab. Highlight Everyone and in the lower pane titled Permissions for Everyone, check Full Control. Click on Apply and you are done.


I'll check back about 10 AM ET

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:06 am
by mjlewis
Downloaded yesterday, the details in Windows say it's version

I am using Windows 7. I'll try out the security stuff you describe. Any idea about the projected ratio stats being off?

- Mike

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:16 am
by Todd Zola
no idea about the ratios but one thing I have earned is unless everything else is working, you can't look at one item like that as it could be inter-related -- I though the latest version was Ok for keepers but to be sure, don't use the keeper mechanism, just "start the auction early" and add them that way.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:38 am
by mjlewis
I'm trying, but so far after adding 38 players I have had nine crashes to desktop with unhandled exceptions of class OutOfBoundsException so I may give this up as a lost cause.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:44 am
by mjlewis
The team total projections do look more right now though.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:49 am
by mjlewis
I got everyone in (fortunately only 6 keepers per team). I lost track of the number of crashes. I think the crashes may have had something to do with the calculating projected standings since once I started adding players to the last team (so every team had at least one player) I didn't get any more crashes... small sample size but it's also true that when it crashed and I restarted it had the player I just added on the team I added them to, so whatever was crashing it was happening after adding the player.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:51 am
by mjlewis
one more interesting note: the projected team totals, when they were wrong, were exactly 2x the correct numbers in all categories, both ratio and not.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 11:08 am
by Todd Zola
I'm at a loss unfortunately.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 11:13 am
by mjlewis
I'll give it a try once the actual auction starts and we'll see if it remains stable.

In theory, should the place I am in the standings for each category affect the remaining players' suggested salaries? i.e. if I have no stolen bases, will speedsters be given more weighting, or is the inflated price not taking that into account?

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 11:54 am
by Todd Zola
mjlewis wrote:I'll give it a try once the actual auction starts and we'll see if it remains stable.

In theory, should the place I am in the standings for each category affect the remaining players' suggested salaries? i.e. if I have no stolen bases, will speedsters be given more weighting, or is the inflated price not taking that into account?
This I can answer :lol:

No -- there is no algorithm to consider that complexity of information.

Re: MastersDraft: things that make me nervous

Posted: March 21st, 2012, 1:03 am
by mjlewis
a report from using it for my draft:

It crashed to desktop on average every 10-15 picks or so.
It's decent when it's working, and it's nice to have access to the projections in an organized maner.
The main thing I don't like is the UI. Specifically:
* If I choose a player to be drafted that's projected to be worth -21 dollars, it is pretty unlikely that his salary in our league is going to be -21, so maybe default the price box in the middle column to 1 if it would be under 1?
* I'm maybe more sensitive to this because of how many times I had to start the program, but it's annoying that basically all of its interaction with me is driven by opening new windows.
* It's confusing that the UI to select keepers is the opposite of the draft software (in keeper mode, you have to click the slot the player is going to go into, then the player; in the draft it's the opposite)

- Mike