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Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 10:00 am
by Todd Zola
i should have realized this would happen but it never struck me - we knew the Braun decision would be delivered by draft time.

NFBC Slow Draft done in one sitting and I have #3, with the intentions of Miggy or Albert.

But what if Miggy or Albert go 1-2? Image

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 10:27 am
by AllstonRockCity
If they do indeed go 1-2 I vote you put your money where your keystrokes are and take Cano. As you've outlined, there isn't a 'safer' pick left at that point.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 10:33 am
by captgus
I don't know, how do you pass up on the average and counting stats that Braun provides? Especially with the depth at second base this year.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 10:38 am
by Captain Hook
Normally (and you have to go back to before the test was revealed to get that answer re Braun) I would have said Braun over Kemp - largely on BAvg considerations...................BUT I can understand anyone that thinks that the amount of attention he will have to deal with - today and going forward may be too tough mentally for someone to deal with and stay focused.

Actually I think you will still get one of your two targets but we shall see.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 10:47 am
by Todd Zola
With the caveat that I have taken a little bit of playing time away from Miggy, not much, but a little, the top-4 now look like

Miggy (1B)

If I put Miggy at 3rd, he flip flops with Braun.

I'm not even sure who I would have taken previously at #3, it may have been Tulo since I may play the one to win the overall and take more chances, not sure yet.

This could be serious overthinking, but there are already something like 40 teams with Braun in the 2nd/3rd/4th rounds that have a built in advantage. We almost have to hope Braun struggles to even the playing field. So part of me is even wondering if I should skip him, because even is he kicks ass, while some of those 40 teams will still not be good, a few anyway will be good and I'll be behind them.


Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 11:12 am
by southpaw
Even before the news of Braun's pending suspension, I had Kemp over Braun just due to the plain fact that Prince is gone. This will affect Braun more than people think.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 11:21 am
by Todd Zola
southpaw wrote:Even before the news of Braun's pending suspension, I had Kemp over Braun just due to the plain fact that Prince is gone. This will affect Braun more than people think.
I don't agree with this, though I know it is the proverbial conventional wisdom.

Aramis Ramirez replaces Fielder (not Gamel) and the drop to ARam (when healthy) is not that significant.

Gamel, in essence, replaces Casey McGehee. THIS to me is the key. If Gamel can do anything, then Aramis + Gamel = Fielder + McGehee, or at least it is close enough not to worry about.

Then factor in Hart or Weeks hitting leadoff and I don't see any difference. I don't believe in lineup protection IMPROVING a hitter in terms of skills. I do think it reduces run producing chances either by having fewer runners on base to knock in or being pitched around and walked, but as suggested, with ARam, I don't see Braun being pitched around and I think the top of the order will provide him ample RBI opportunities.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 11:35 am
by da_big_kid_94
Purely subjective - but both Braun and Miggy have significant question marks about them (How playing third may affect a recovering alcoholic on offense and the crap Braun is going to take all year and how that treatment affects him (not to mention I'll assume he smart enough to get off the juice)). I would go out of the box and pick Juston Upton or CarGo - assuming Kemp goes ahead of your pick.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 12:13 pm
by Todd Zola
da_big_kid_94 wrote:Purely subjective - but both Braun and Miggy have significant question marks about them (How playing third may affect a recovering alcoholic on offense and the crap Braun is going to take all year and how that treatment affects him (not to mention I'll assume he smart enough to get off the juice)). I would go out of the box and pick Juston Upton or CarGo - assuming Kemp goes ahead of your pick.
Getting J-Up or CarGo at #3 would be a go for it move, but they are going in the 8-11 range so I would not gain that much of an advantage. I still want to incorporate reliability into my #3 pick and since I differ in opinion with the subjective nature of Cabrera and Braun's off the field issues, they are both still high on my reliability list.

I think I have made my decision, but still hope I don't have to make it.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 12:14 pm
by Milnertime
Braun's been dealing with people hating him since he came up.

He's really cocky and he's always got a chip on his shoulder. It makes him easy to hate, so I just don't think it will affect him that much. He was cocky enough to think he would get off for this failed drug test, after all.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 7:34 pm
by Mickey4081
Your pick will and or should be Matt Kemp, Pujols and or Miggy. My guess is, it will be Pujols.

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 7:44 pm
by Captain Hook
Todd took Braun (over Kemp, Poodles and Miggy gone) in the first David Wright in the second and Felix Hernandez in the 3rd

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 7:50 pm
by Mickey4081
Hmmm I've got a feeling he may regret that pick but we shall see. :D

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 8:22 pm
by Todd Zola
you nailed Grandy/Cruz last year

but, we'll see...

This is quite the rush.

literally and figuratively

Re: Guess who has the NUMBER THREE pick tonight

Posted: February 25th, 2012, 12:45 am
by josh
It will be interesting to see how many of the 2nd-4th Round Braun teams will do. Of course they have an advantage but in a few of my leagues he was going early 2nd round or 3rd. I wish I had got in on him but the teams who got him still have a lot of work to do.