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Carrasco, McCarthy and Matusz: Pick two

Posted: May 19th, 2011, 6:10 pm
by special k
The good news: Still in first in my 10-team, AL-only standard 5X5 league.
The bad news: Ross will soon join the following pitchers on my team who have been disabled: Matusz, Hughes, Carrasco and Braden.
I agreed with the good Captain about Ross over Carrasco, just checking with my earlier related post, now sadly moot.
Now, Matusz is coming back from the DL supposedly next week. I can roll the dice and activate him and put him into Ross's slot.
Ross is now attached to Carrasco under our rules. If I put Matusz in that slot, I lose Carrasco, and keep the pitcher I replaced Matusz with: B. McCarthy.
So the question, sorry for long lead-up, please what do you think: Who will be better the rest of this season: Carrasco or McCarthy?
And are we confident in Matusz? Should I keep both Carrasco and McCarthy instead of him? Our rules will require one be waived.

Re: Carrasco, McCarthy and Matusz: Pick two

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 10:27 am
by deansdaddy
I think Matusz has the biggest upside of anyone on your list - so I would go with him and McCarthy and let the chips fall where they may.

The injury to Matusz was not to his arm - so I wouldn't hesitate to stick with the guy who was ranked highest on everyone's lists coming into the season.

Re: Carrasco, McCarthy and Matusz: Pick two

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 3:25 pm
by Captain Hook
While I would keep Matusz, I would wait as long as your rules allow before making my move

(I will go with McCarthy over Carrasco) EDITED - well I WOULD have but the A's just put McCarthy on the DL

Re: Carrasco, McCarthy and Matusz: Pick two

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 5:31 pm
by special k
Ross, Matusz, Hughes, Carrasco, Braden and now McCarthy. Holy crap has my pitching staff taken a pounding. I can wait until Sunday to activate Matusz and may as well. No choice on Carrasco, but speaking of higher rated, most - including Mastersball projections - liked him better than Ross and McCarthy coming into the season. I didn't any longer, but I guess I'll hope we were all right back then.
But I hope I don't run out of spit and chewing gum for my staff ... I'm not religious, but if anyone wants to say a few Hail Marys for King Felix, please do.