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k/BB ratio on a valuation sheet

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 10:07 am
by rotodog

I am in a 5x5 mixed with Winning % instead of WHIP and K/BB instead of K's. The winning percentage formula is easy to write and value, but the K/BB is still bugging me.

Do you think I need to break down the K/BB ration into "extras" first? or could I simply take the ration number and write the formula to include IP to make sure the Innings and contribution are accounted for?

I also tend to discount winning percentage as this is the most unstable of the projected stats year to year and not dependent on the pitcher. How do reduce the weight properly on a valuation sheet to reflect this with out skewing everything else?

Re: k/BB ratio on a valuation sheet

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 10:15 am
by Todd Zola
I'm not completely sure how to handle K/BB, it was discussed and probably archived in the forum at, but I don't have access to it.

First blush would be (PLAYER K/BB - BASELINE K/BB) x IP

As for weighting, just take some money from W% and give it to the categories you think are more stable or distribute it evenly amongst the other four.

Re: k/BB ratio on a valuation sheet

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 10:17 am
by rotodog
Todd Zola wrote:I'm not completely sure how to handle K/BB, it was discussed and probably archived in the forum at, but I don't have access to it.

First blush would be (PLAYER K/BB - BASELINE K/BB) x IP

As for weighting, just take some money from W% and give it to the categories you think are more stable or distribute it evenly amongst the other four.
The formula you mentioned was the one I was going to use...maybe I am was trying to make it harder with finding extras somewhere...

And DUH! I wasnt thinking about the weighting...My mind is slow with K/BB

Thanks Todd. Will let you know if it seems right..

Re: k/BB ratio on a valuation sheet

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 12:58 pm
by rotodog
Ran it! Looks deadly! Deadly! With the K/bb and winning percentage categories, I had to sort the crap out of it at the end as these cats are a little less unstable a showed wild swings in the k/bb from top to bottom..

But after 30 freaking sorts, I have the values I need. And aside of them being pretty good numbers, they are in line with what the rest of the league pays for a certain pitcher... I was never, ever in 4 years prior ever to get Rotolab to spit me out numbers I liked...No matter how I tweaked it..they were always a bit off and I adjusted...But these look deadly.
Thanks Todd!